John 6:1-24 “Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand”

John 6:1-24 – Bible Study & Exploration

Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

(Verses 1-4) Notice John points out that many of the people who followed Jesus were not necessarily believers. They were more fascinated with the miracles He was performing. They also enjoyed being fed more food than they could imagine if they were on their own.

(Verses 5-9) Remember from chapter two, it was Philip that Jesus came upon and told him, “follow me.” It was all Philip needed to hear to get up and follow his Messiah.

The test that Jesus puts Philip through is a great example of our own journey as Christians. When we come to believe and give our lives to Christ there is so much to learn and understand. This is what Paul calls our sanctification journey (Christian walk) in his letter to the Romans. It is the work of the Holy Spirit that brings us closer to Christ. It’s our journey toward holiness and righteousness that will make us one day worthy to be presented by Christ to our heavenly Father.

This test shows how the disciples believed in Jesus as their Messiah but their journey toward fully understanding the almighty power of God was still in the making.

Feeding the Five Thousand

(Verses 10-13) Barley was a low cost food staple of the poor in Jesus’ time. This fish the boy had in his possession were likely just small sardine sized fish. These meager portions of food were meant to demonstrate the power of God. Even in the smallest of gifts, God has the power to do great things.

When Jesus feeds the five thousand, He takes the least likely option to show what God can do with little available. This serves as a great example of how we should offer our own gifts to be used in accordance with God’s will.

The very smallest of gifts that we possess, whatever it may be, we ought to do like Jesus did. Pray to God that Me multiplies our gifts. Then share the blessings of all mighty God with others according to God’s will. In doing so, giving all the glory to God.

Protection From the Romans

(Verses 14-15) Many thought that Jesus was there to save them from the oppression of their Roman rulers. They didn’t understand that Jesus was their to rescue them from themselves and the sins that condemned them to eternal death.

The Jews were concerned with their physical well being and how Jesus could rescue them from their current condition. Jesus was only interested in their spiritual well being.

Jesus Walks On Water

(Verses 16-24) This passage serves as a great example for our own times of distress and seasons of doubt. While many miles from shore and in a bit of distress from the churning of the sea, Jesus appears on the water and makes an “I Am” declaration. He puts His disciples at ease reminding them that He is always present, even when they can’t feel His presence.

What a wonderful reminder to know that we can always call on the name of the Lord and He will be there to remind us that He is present in us through the Holy Spirit. What a blessing it is to have that reassurance in our lives, especially in those seasons when we are faced with disruption in our lives.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8)