Welcome To Bible Study Simply

This is a Bible teaching, studying and exploring ministry.

Why This Website?

I teach a Bible class once a week. What began as a Bible class, I expanded to include my class notes on this website to share with those who wanted to look further into what we just studied. I also created this site to help those who missed a class and wanted to study what they missed. Now, they can simply come to this site to understand what was discussed in our last class.

So, yes, there is a live Bible study class going on behind the scenes of this website. We are currently studying the gospel of John (July 2024 – Dec. 2024). I post my class notes weekly on understanding this truly amazing and important account of Jesus’ ministry.

We’d love to have you follow along.

Why Bible Prophecy?

My focus has been to study and teach Bible prophecy. Close to one third of the Bible is prophetic. Unfortunately, Bible prophecy is not being taught by pastors at the pulpit on Sundays. It leaves many people without any true understanding of God’s most important message for us today.

The further you study and come to understand Bible prophecy, you realize that all of the things spoken of by the prophets, the disciples and Jesus are all converging right before our eyes. The intensity and frequency of prophetic events is also increasing rapidly, just as Jesus spoke of during His Olivet Discourse on the Mount of Olives on the Tuesday before He would be handed over to be crucified.

The Best Bible Prophecy Interpretation

When we interpret scripture through the lens of scripture, we begin to learn that God is not a God of confusion. He’s a God who loves us and finds pleasure in our efforts to understand His message for us. He does not make it confusing.

Bible Study Simply is meant to simply point to scripture to help us understand scripture. With a little time and the blessing of the Holy Spirit in opening your hearts and minds to His word, amazing things will happen in your life.

If we allow the lens of the world to muddy the waters of scripture interpretation, we get a distorted, confusing and false understanding of the Word of God. God offers two blessings to those who read, study and share the book of Revelation with others. A book that many believe is to complicated to understand, let alone teach others.

This is false. Scripture is meant to be read and understood literally not allegorically. When you open yourself up to an allegorical understanding of God’s Word, then anyone can shape the meaning to be whatever you want it to be.

Rather than conforming our lives to Christ, we try to create a Christ that conforms to our desires. This is the reason why we have hundreds if not thousands of so called Christian churches across the globe.

If everyone took God’s word as it’s meant to be, literally, then there would only be one Christian church. But they don’t and so there isn’t. There is only one God, therefore there is only one truth! It’s the one truth that never changes. And Christ is still the only way to salvation. Not Christ and something else, but Christ alone.

I hope you return often and join our class virtually on this journey!