1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 “How Does a True Christian Being Sanctified Live?”

1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 – Bible Study & Exploration

(Verses 12-15) In order to have a solid community of believers in Christ, there must be a strong leader whose feet are firmly planted in the word of God. Leading a church of believers is a great responsibility that can’t be taken lightly. It can be most rewarding while at the same time bares a heavy burden.

This is why Paul encourages the believers to love and support their leaders. These leaders he mentions would’ve been the elders and deacons among the Thessalonian believers. We as church members often don’t fully understand the work that goes into leading a body of believers.

Paul reminds the Thessalonians not to be the disruptive type, but encourage and be patient with one another. Help those who are weak and always do good toward one another. Just as we seek the favor of God, offer favor to one another.

How Do We Pray Continually?

(Verses 16-18) Does this mean we should be in our room, on our knees and praying without stopping? No. Prayer comes in many forms. Having our minds constantly focused on the things that are above and not of this world keep us in a prayerful state.

A moment of thanks, a moment of praise, a moment of acknowledgment and asking questions or seeking guidance and directed to God throughout your day or all forms of prayer. Reading the Bible and memorizing Bible verses are all forms of prayer. Always keeping the line of communication open between you and God is essential to being in a continuous state of prayer.

Paul Gives Four Important Commands

Do Not Quench the Spirit

(Verses 19-28) The power of the Holy Spirit is alive in us as true believers in our Blessed Hope and Savior. In other words, don’t be easily taken in by false prophecy. We must live our lives in accordance with the guidance of the Holy Spirit who continually sanctifies us on our journey as Christians. Do not hinder the work of the Holy Spirit within you!

Do Not Treat Prophecies with Contempt

Prophecy represents approximately 28% of the Bible. It is just as important as the rest of God’s word. There can easily be a case made to show it’s even more important than the other 72% with God’s words alone.

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

2 Timothy 3:16-17

Paul is concerned here with false prophecy that may be given to the Thessalonians by the unbelievers claiming that Christ had already returned. The world is filled with the false gospels. So what must a Christian do to avoid being deceived?

Test All Words of Prophecy

In other words, test the validity of what is being told to them. How would a true Christian go about heeding Paul’s advice of testing the gospel?

If we remember, Paul was snuck out of Thessalonica under the cover of darkness sooner than he wanted to leave. His followers thought it to be the right thing in order to avoid persecution that was aiming for him. They brought Paul to Berea. In Berea, Paul encountered a much more welcoming group of Jews who were interested in hearing his message of Christ.

Once the Berean’s heard Paul’s preaching, they immediately went to test his message against the scriptures written in the scrolls they had in their possession. This was a common practice among the Berean’s. It’s likely this is where Paul was influenced to command the Thessalonians to test everything they heard against what Paul preached.

Hold on to What Is Good, Reject All Evil!

Once the word was tested, they could make the determination to reject it if it didn’t align with scripture or they could embrace it as the truth of God’s word.

Finally, Paul petitions God for their continued sanctification. Then asks that they continue to pray for him, Timothy and Silas.

Paul is a constant encourager of edification among all sisters and brothers in Christ. Let it serve as a wonderful reminder of our own daily walk with Christ. As the worldly troubles increase so should our edification of one another increase through love, support, prayer and encouragement. Always making certain that our unification of the church of Christ grows stronger as the world falls further.